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CS Daily:3,000 participants share care and love in 'Run with Moomin 2022'


To commemorate our 70th anniversary, we held Hong Kong's first Moomin-themed running event and carnival, 'Run with Moomin 2022,' at the Hong Kong Science Park on 11 December 2022. With more than 3,000 participants and the award presenter 'Wonder Boy' Mr So Wa Wai, we promoted the culture of caring and inclusiveness through sports.

In the hope of engaging runners of different ages, races and backgrounds, the 1km inclusive race connected runners with intellectual and physical disabilities, the elderly and children to demonstrating the diversity and cohesion of Hong Kong.

With the collective efforts from all stakeholders, we strive to instill hopes, advocate justice and promote harmony for our people and society. Our partners from all walks of life supported the event. A total of 24 teams participated in the 4 x 1 km relay race of corporate team, enterprises including Goldwave Steel Structure Engineering Limited, MTR Corporation, Link Asset Management Limited etc. Nearly 20 enterprises, such as Dah Sing Bank, New World Mask, and Watsons Water, also sponsored the event.

The event also introduced a 6 x 1 km relay race of NGO Team and invited our friends from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, St. James' Settlement, Heep Hong Society, Young Women's Christian Association of Hong Kong, Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers, The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, Hong Chi Association, Hong Kong Red Cross, Hong Kong Children and Youth Services, Harmony House Limited, Po Leung Kuk, and Operation Breakthrough to join, promoting mutual support in the service journey. 

Over the past 70 years, Hong Kong society has undergone various changes. We have been walking with the community. 'Almost three years in the pandemic is like a race, and we have always accompanied Hong Kong people to forge ahead. As long as we do not give up, equip ourselves and learn to be flexible, we can still across the finish line.' Our Director Ms Yvonne Chak said.

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Our Director Ms Yvonne Chak (fourth right), Mr So Wa Wai (fifth right),
and our Principal Sponsor, Mr Peter Tsang, JP, the Chairman of Goldwave
Steel Structure Engineering Limited, together with service users officiated the event.

Our Director Ms Yvonne Chak and Moomin started the running race with a starter pistol.


Through 'Run With Moomin 2022', HKCS gathered runners with
different backgrounds to promote social cohesion.