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School Social Work Service


Service Introduction

School Social Work Service has been launched since early 1970s. We are one of the pioneers delivering such service for the society. Over the past several decades, we constantly improve our quality service in order to respond to the changing social environment and meet the needs of the schools, students and parents. Moreover, we keep on refining our interventions to make them more effective.


Currently, our services include stationing School Social Work Service for Kindergarten, Primary School, Secondary School and University, as well as Professional Support Services for the Secondary School Students with Special Educational Needs. Besides, we also organise professional training courses, workshops and talks for education and social welfare practitioners to share our related working experiences.



Service Objectives

  • To help students develop their potentials to the fullest, achieve healthy personal growth, attain adequate and proper school education, establish harmonious human relationships and elicit their concern for the community;
  • To help students with their personal, family and interpersonal relationships or schooling problems;
  • To strengthen the linkage among students, families, the school and the community.


Service Targets

Students and their families of our serving schools.



Service Approach

  • Consultation, Counselling, Casework and Referral Service
  • Groups and Mass Programmes
  • Coordination & Mobilisation of Community Resources

* Services can be customised and tailor-made for individual schools.

Contact Us
  • Unit 111-116, G/F, Kwai Yuen House, Chuk Yuen (South) Estate,Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 2389 4242
  • 2790 4157
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