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To help the underprivileged make their humble wishes come true, we have been launching the 'Make a Wish Come True Programme' at Christmas since 2008. Over the past ten years, the wishes of around 2,800 families/ individuals were successfully fulfilled. Beneficiaries include low-income or single-parent families and elders, children with special needs, disabled persons, ethnic minorities, etc. We sincerely invite you to support this programme to share the festive joy and blessings with those in need. With just a small donation, you could help people in need get what they have been longing for, and more importantly, you could also bring them hope and empower them to go forward. Ways to support:
* Donations are tax-deductible with official receipts. Please write 'Make a Wish Come True' on the back of the cheque / bank-in Slip / 7-ELEVEN receipt, along with your name, contact number, and return mailing address, and post it to us.
Proceeds will help our service beneficiaries make their humble wishes come true. The yearend surplus will go to the HKCS Service Development Fund to provide and develop non-government-funded services to the disadvantaged and the neglected.
Purchasing school uniforms, leather shoes, and backpacks for children from low-income families, enabling them to start the new school year happily.
Paying for cooking course fees at a culinary school for young people with physical disabilities, helping them to develop their interests.
Covering treatment costs for individuals with chronic illnesses, alleviating their symptoms and helping them to return to everyday life.
6/F, 33 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
2731 6369
2731 6363