Territory-wide Flag Day
Hong Kong Christian Service 2023.2.4 Territory-wide Flag Day (Public Subscription Permit No. FD/T003/2022) was successfully held. The net proceeds of HK$1,270,696.14 generated will be used as a capital fund for the re-development of the existing site of our Kwun Tong Vocational Training Centre (KTVTC) to a multi-service building.
We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all volunteers and donors, honorary advisors, partnering corporations, organisations, and schools for your generous support.
Honorary Advisors
(In alphabetical order)
- Bishop Rev. CHANG Chun-wa
(The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong)
- Mr CHOI Tak-shing Stanley, JP
(Chairman, Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education)
- Mr CHUA Hoi-wai, JP
(Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social)
- Dr HO Yuk-fan Esther
(Chairperson, Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters)
- Dr the Honorable LAM Ching-choi, SBS, JP
(Executive Council)
- Rev LAM Chun Tim
(President, The Methodist Church, Hong Kong)
- Mr LAM Tin-fuk Fred, JP
(Chief Executive Officer, Airport Authority Hong Kong)
- Dr LEE Chung-tak Joseph, GBS, OStJ, JP
(President, Wofoo Social Enterprises)
- Ms Luanne LIM
(Chief Executive Officer, HSBC Hong Kong)
- Rev MA Chi-man Jick
(Chairman, Executive Committee of The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China)
- Ms PANG Melissa Kaye, BBS, MH, JP
(Chairman, Family Council)
- Rev WONG Ka-fai Ray
(General Secretary, The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China)
(Chairperson, Hong Kong Christian Council)
- Dr YEUNG Tai-kong Deacons
(Hospital Chief Executive, United Christian Hospital)
Honorary Legal Advisor
- Mr YEUNG Yuen-bun Benny
(Senior Partner, Cheng, Yeung & Co.)
Honorary Auditor
Flag Day Secretariat
6/F, 33 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
2731 6369
2731 6363