Press Release:Parents’ Survey on Effectiveness of SEN Visual Interactive Training (Chinese version only)
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Press Release:Parents’ Survey on Effectiveness of SEN Visual Interactive Training (Chinese version only)
Response to Policy Address 2020 (Chinese version only)
One-fourth caregivers felt guilty due to caretaking (Chinese version only)
Press Release:One-fourth caregivers felt guilty due to caretaking “Caregiver-oriented” polices needed to cater their needs
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Press Release: Hong Kong's first survey on Primary & Secondary Schools "Non face-to-face Classes" (Chinese version only)
The nomination of Caring School Award 2020 is starting now.
Submission on Public Consultation on "Review of the Statutory Minimum Wage Rate" (Chinese version only)
Declaration on the Establishment of Unemployment Assistance
Press Release:Survey found that secondary students feel stressful before class resumption (Chinese version only)
Press Release:Nearly 70% SEN families surveyed prefer online visual training as an alternative (Chinese version only)
The award ceremony for the "Caring School Award Scheme" has been cancelled.