Flag Day audited report has been uploaded to GovHK.
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Flag Day audited report has been uploaded to GovHK.
Response on Second Phase of Anti-epidemic Fund
About the confirmed case of COVID-19 visiting the Headquarter on 3 April 2020
Quick Tips for fighting the novel Coronavirus (in 10 languages)
Response to the HKSAR 2020-21 Budget (Chinese version only)
Safeguard Hong Kong and fight against the pandemic
Response to the third stage public consultation period for new Hong Kong Rehabilitation Programme Plan (Chinese version only)
Response to the latest relief measures (Chinese version only)
Press Release: Kick-start of JC Experiential Learning Project for Students with Special Education Needs (Chinese version only)
In Memoriam: The Honourable Mrs. KWAN KO Siu-wah, SBS, OBE, JP
Suggestion on Consultation Document on End-of-life Care: Legislative Proposals on Advance Directives and Dying in Place
Deadline for the Gold Flag Donation and Direct Donation will be extended to 4 January 2020