• 2731 6316
    • info@hkcs.org

Support Ethnic Elderly with Dementia Symptoms (Project SEEDS)

Date: 01/04/2021

The service is ended on 1 April 2021.


According to the “Acculturation and Needs Assessment of Elderly Ethnic Minorities in Hong Kong: A Qualitative Study” conducted by our agency and the University of Hong Kong in 2018, ethnic minority elders were found having risk of cognitive impairment but both the elders and their caregivers were lack of awareness and knowledge on dementia owing language and cultural barriers. To enhance South Asian elders and their caregivers’ knowledge on dementia, and facilitate early identification and intervention of needy elders, the “Support to Ethnic Elderly with Dementia Symptoms” (Project SEEDS) has been launched since April 2019 with generous support from the Community Chest of Hong Kong. Apart from providing direct support to the elders and caregivers, the project will also conduct research to further explore the needs of the target groups as well as organse sharing sessions to raise public concern on the cognitive health of South Asian elders. This special project will last for one-year with the following objectives.

  • To enhance South Asian elders and their caregivers’ awareness and knowledge of dementia 
  • To facilitate early identification of South Asian elders with cognitive impairment

Service Targets

  • South Asian elders aged 60 or above and their caregivers in Hong Kong

Service Contents

  • Outreaching Community Education Programmes
  • Assessment on Early Cognitive Impairment and Referral Services
  • Support and Guidance on Managing Mild Cognitive Impairment 
  • Volunteer Training and Support