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Multicultural Education@Schools

Date: 31/03/2016

Community ChestThis project is supported by the Community Chest



Multicultural Education@Schools (MES) is a special project funded by Community Chest of Hong Kong. We encourage local students and teachers to have direct interaction with the ethnic minorities so as to understand their social situations and cultures as well as promoting sense of racial equality and harmony.

Service Target

Local Chinese students and teachers from primary, secondary schools, universities and tertiary institutions.

  1. Enhance participants' multicultural understanding and sensitivity
  2. Promote sense of respect to cultural diversity and racial harmony
  3. Motivate participants to take action to promote social harmony
Service Content
1. Multicultural Harmony Workshop
  • Cultivate participants’ positive attitude towards people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
  • Facilitate them to learn how to relate with people from different cultures.

2. Multicultural Site Visits
  • Gain in-depth understanding on the real life situations of ethnic minorities through site visits.
  • Have face-to-face interaction with ethnic minorities in their gathering places.
3. Multicultural Volunteer Experience
  • Show concern to people from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds through planning and organizing volunteer programmes.
4. Multicultural Exhibition Booth
  • Know more about social, cultural and religious characteristics of the ethnic minorities through exhibitions at schools.
5. Cross Cultural Programme@School
6. "Harmonious Campus" @ Teacher Sharing 
  • Know about the characteristics of students from diverse backgrounds
  • Identify cultural diversity and its effect in classroom/school
  • Identify possible strategies to promote cross-cultural harmony in classroom/school
7. School Ambassador Group 
  • Motivating students to join hands in creating a multi-culturally harmonious campus by forming ambassador groups in school