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Mainland China Social Service Project

Date: 31/12/2014


"To participate in the development of social welfare in China" is one of our five agency directions. We are trying to work with concerned parties to support the development of indigenous, professional and humane social service in Mainland China.

Social Work Education

Since 1992 we have been providing training and attachment for 14 groups of, a total of 44, social work postgraduates students from Peking University. We also arrange attachments and study tours to Hong Kong for the social work students and professors from universities in China, including Changsha Minzhen Xueyuan, Xiamen University, Peking University, China Youth University for Political Sciences and China Women's University etc., to enrich their understanding of frontline social service in order to promote indigenous social work in China.

SunYat-sen University and Guangdong University of Business started their 1st social work course in 2001, since then we have being working with them by teaching courses on "Youth Social Work", "Social Work in Practice", Fieldwork Workshop" and "Introduction to Social Work", as well as sending our experienced staff to supervise placement students in Guangzhou. The head count of students being served around 2,300.

Social Work Professionalisation

In December 2006, our Chief Executive Mr. Ng Shui Lai was appointed member of the Panel of Experts in National Social Worker Registration and Accreditation Committee, participated in building up social work profession in China. "Building Up Social Work Profession" was mentioned in the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China. After this policy statement, invitation for future cooperation are numerous. The Shenzhen Minstry of Civil Affairs is trying out a comprehensive plan to implement professional social work in various government departments and organisations. We take the opportunity to suggest that supervision is one of the key element in professional social work. We are the first Hong Kong agency providing professional social work supervision and training in Shenzhen. We provide clinical supervision, ensuring social workers understand the rationale behind and try to cultivate their commitment and sense of mission. These works are significant.

Since September 2007, we have assigned our 11 experienced social workers to provide more than 800 days of supervision for 123 social workers. There was a total of 4,000 contacts.

Social Work Practice

The Agency supported the development of 4 social work stations in Pudong, Shanghai. We have participated in the formation of the Shanghai Lequn Social Service Agency, a pioneer in non-profit making organisation providing professional social work service in Shanghai and we sent our staff to give trainings on school social work, social rehabilitation and mobile adventure in Shanghai and so on. Moreover, we assisted YMCA Shanghai to set up its social work division. In recent years, we have arranged numerous visits for different organisations in order to share our experience and exchange ideas.

In January 2008, the Agency and the Guangzhou Baiyun Drug Addicts Voluntarily Rehabilitation Centre jointly innovated a project aimed at promoting our humanistic drugs rehabilitation model to professionals in China, we provided them training, case conference and clinical supervisions.