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CADENZA Community Project: Elder at PEACE

Date: 22/12/2013


Being a longstanding proactive organization in combating elder abuse, Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) had been persistently involved in the research, advocacy, community education, professional training and clinical practice of the issue, which had contributed to the structural and professional development of the local end-abuse movement. Commenced in December 2010 with Kwai Tsing District as a pilot service point, “CADENZA Community Project: Elder at PEACE” (PEACE) is another 3-year project funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with the collaborative research efforts from the University of Hong Kong, aiming at raising the public and professional awareness of the issue, providing immediate and medium to long-term assistance and services to elder abuse victims and other related parties, as well as furnishing an evidence-based and localized intervention model for elder abuse victims and related counterparts.


The project aims at providing convenient help-seeking and reporting channels of elder mistreatment/suspected abuse incidents, as well as prompt and supportive service against reported/suspected elder abuse incidents to the elderly victims and the related parties, whereas the “Elder-centred Empowerment and Mediation Intervention Program” enabled restoration of relationships with mutual-respect in addition to stopping the abusive behaviors among the concerned parties. Moreover, an evidence-based research study attempts to seek for an intervention model suitable for Chinese elder abuse victims and their caregivers, so as to cultivate mutual respect and concerns in our society.

  • To match up timely and appropriate assistance and services to elder abuse victims and other related parties;
  • To furnish an evidence-based “Elder-centred Empowerment and Mediation Intervention Program” for elder abuse victims and related parties;
  • To equip fellow professionals and collaborators with sensitivity and abilities of the screening, identification, assessment, interventions and follow-ups of elder abuse cases;
  • To raise public awareness on elder abuse and foster elder justice.
Service Content
PEACE Helpline
serves as a convenient help-seeking and reporting channel of elder mistreatment/suspected abuse incidents for service matching/arrangements, as well as for quick consultations and referrals from professionals and people who care about the elders.
Elder-centred Empowerment and Mediation Intervention Program”
stresses on enhancing the capabilities of the elder abuse victims and the related parties in resolving the abusive relationships through elder-centred and family-oriented perspectives with mediation elements.
Professional Trainings
develop effective training mode and curriculum for professionals and frontline workers of related disciplines, so as to equip with techniques and awareness of screening, assessment and intervention of elder abuse cases.
Public Awareness Programs
increase awareness of the public and related stakeholders towards elder abuse issues in Hong Kong, in order to join hand in hand with our counterparts in elder abuse prevention and service development.
Service Targets
  • Suspected/elder abuse victims and their family members
  • Elder abuse perpetuators
  • Professionals and frontline workers related to elder abuse prevention and intervention work
  • Service providers (e.g. staff of elderly residential services)
  • The public
Service Boundary

Kwai Tsing District