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The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Integrated Service Centre for Local South Asians (ISSA)

Date: 31/03/2019


The Hong Kong Jockey Club Community Project Grant: Integrated Service Centre for Local South Asians (ISSA) has been funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust since 2008, and the project is ended on 31 March 2019. We work with the service users to develop and utilise their capacities, to form mutual support networks and to build positive connections with their families, people of same or different ethnic origins and local organisations. The ultimate goal of ISSA lies on empowerment of South Asian females and enhancement of their integration into local communities.


  1. To broaden South Asian females' life exposure.
  2. To provide opportunities for South Asian females to explore, develop and utilise their strengths.
  3. To enhance South Asian females' competence to cope with problems.
  4. To enhance South Asian females' sense of self-worth and life satisfaction.
  5. To facilitate South Asian females' active participation in the community.
  6. To strengthen self-help and mutual help among South Asian females.
  7. To facilitate cross-cultural understanding and respect between local people and South Asian females.

Service Contents

South Asian Ladies Mutual Support Groups
  • Groups are formed by South Asian ladies
  • Encourage ladies equip new knowledge and skills and cooperate to serve the community
  • Let ladies gain more practical experiences in running business
  • Facilitate self-help and mutual help in the South Asian communities

  1. The "GURU" Groups
    • South Asian female adults who would like to further develop their interests as skills for individual growth and community benefit are welcome to join the “Guru” group.
    • Ladies can enhance their skills on specific area such as cooking and handicraft, acquire basic programme planning and organising skills, and develop leadership skills, etc.

  2. South Asian Women Action Team (SAWAT)
    • South Asian ladies from different age groups who would like to provide professional child care service to other South Asian families
    • Ladies will learn different knowledge and skills, such as the knowledge of child development, children with special needs, nursery and child-care skills, concept of environment safety and careers’ liabilities, etc.

Capacity Building Programmes
  1. Programmes For Teenage Girls
    • Activities such as programmes for enhancing physical and mental wellness, activities for knowing public services and policies, talks on home safety and child care and interest classes, etc.

  2. Programmes For Women
    • Activities such as programmes for enhancing physical and mental wellness, activities for knowing public services and policies, talks on home safety and child care and interest classes, etc.

Other Services
  1. Volunteer Programmes
    • Encourage South Asian ladies to build up positive and sustainable social networks through participating different kinds of volunteer services.

  2. Family Programmes
    • Welcome all South Asian ladies' family members to join.
    • Aim to promote effective communication and supportive relationship between ladies and their family members.

  3. Consultation Hotline

  4. Award Schemes
    • SHE-SHINES Award Scheme for South Asian female adults
    • KHUSHI Girls Award Scheme for South Asian female teens

Service Targets

  • Main targets of ISSA are South Asian female teens and adults who live, work or study in West Kowloon including Shamshuipo and Yau Tsim Mong District.
  • Other targets of ISSA include family members of the South Asian females, other ethnic groups, local people and service providers from local organisations.