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Two HKCS staff selected as Outstanding Social Worker and Junior Outstanding Social Worker Respectively

Date: 03/02/2024

Our Service Head of Residential Child Care Service, Ida Yip, and Project Leader of the 'BLOG' Hidden Youth Career Life Development Service (New Territories Team), Sita Leung, were awarded the 33rd 'Outstanding Social Worker' and 'Junior Outstanding Social Worker' respectively.


Ida is a social worker with strong professional beliefs, ideals, commitment, drive, and courage. Her story of helping people even won the 'The Most Inspiring Helping Process Award'.


Sita is full of enthusiasm, drive, courage to take responsibility and face challenges. She has cared for and devoted herself to the hidden youth group for six years, and actively led all walks of life to create a favorable development environment and instil hope for young people. 


Congratulations to Ida and Sita for receiving the honour. 

  • Our Service Head of Residential Child Care Service, Ida Yip, was awarded the 33rd 'Outstanding Social Worker'.

  • Our Project Leader of the 'BLOG' Hidden Youth Career Life Development Service (New Territories Team), Sita Leung, was awarded the 33rd 'Junior Outstanding Social Worker'.