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Our "Health@Community" Project won the "Outstanding Poster Award"

Date: 13/11/2021

The "Health@Community" Project launched by our Bliss District Elderly Community Centre aimed at enhancing elders' ability to manage their chronic diseases through promoting neigbourhood support, muti-disciplinary collaboration and adopting telemedicine service. The project participated in the International Conference on Gerontechnology (ICG) organised by the Open University of Hong Kong in November 2020 and presented the summary of findings. The criteria for selection of paper and poster awards included the originality of the work, the significance of the work for gerontechnology, the performance and clarity of the oral presentation, etc. Our project won the "Outstanding Poster Award". 

  •  本處樂暉長者地區中心的「健康.友里」計劃獲頒「傑出學術海報獎」

  •  專業同工正在講解服務使用者的健康情況