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HKCS Receives Two Awards in the ‘Best Practices Sharing in Asia - Family Well-Being Project 2024’

Date: 30/12/2024

The Project ‘Empowering SEN Families - Paradigm Shift from Traditional SEN Rehabilitation Service towards Trans-disciplinary Collaboration’ of our Child Rehabilitation Service (CRS) won the Gold Award and the Best Collaborative Award, among the 23 projects in the Asian region, in the Asian Family Summit (AFS) programme - the Best Practices Sharing in Asia - Family Well-Being Project 2024.


Our Project aims to implement a paradigm shift towards a holistic, family-centred and need-based approach in preschool SEN rehabilitation services, facilitate trans-disciplinary collaboration among professionals and parents, and break down traditional siloed practices. By using this method, the Project benefited over 2,900 SEN families yearly and has trained approximately 1,750 professional and quasi-professional experts so far, laying a solid foundation for the paradigm shift.

  •  兩個獎項

    Our Project 'Empowering SEN Families - Paradigm Shift from Traditional SEN Rehabilitation Service towards Trans-disciplinary Collaboration' won the Gold Award and the Best Collaborative Award.

  •  三位專業同工在台上講解服務計劃的內容及重點。

    Our CRS Sevice Head Dr Jess Chan (right), Senior Speech Therapist Ms Winsome Lam (left), and Unit Head Ms Yuki Lam (centre) introduced the highlights of the Project.

  •  本處同工合照

    Our Director Ms Yvonne Chak (2nd from right), Deputy Director (Child & Family) Mrs Cross Leung (1st from left), and the team who are responsible for the presentation.

  •  本處同工與頒獎嘉賓合照

    Receiving the Gold Award from Mrs Renata KACZMARSKA (4th from right), Social Affairs Officer of United Nations and the Honorary Advisor.

  •  本處同工與頒獎嘉賓合照

    Receiving the Best Collaborative Award from Mrs Patricia Chu, Chairperson of CIFA and the Chief Adjudicator (3rd from left).

  •  本處同工合照

    Our Director Ms Yvonne Chak (4th from right, front row), Deputy Director (Child & Family) Mrs Cross Leung (4th from left, front row), and the HKCS team.