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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. How can I help the needy through HKCS?
    We provide services through more than 100 service units/projects located across the territory with an annual attendance of around 2.35 million. Our service targets include infant, child, youth, elderly, family, employee, child with physical disabilities, ethnic minority and other deprived groups. About 22% of HKCS’s annual general expenses, are not subsidised by the Government. Therefore, public support is vital to maintain and develop services at HKCS.
  • 2. Why monthly donations can better support the service development of HKCS?
    Monthly donations provide a continual source of funding which is crucial to sustainability and quality of our services especially for non-government-funded services that may require annual funding re-applications. Monthly donations enable the best support to service planning, development and continuity.
  • 3. Where do funds from monthly donations go to?
    Funds from monthly donations are injected to our Service Development Fund to render and develop non-government-funded services for the disadvantaged and neglected. Your donation helps us respond proactively to the social needs in time and provide suitable and innovative services to the needy.
    For more details about the use of funds, please click HERE.
  • 4. Are my donations tax-deductible? Would receipts be issued?
    Donations are tax deductible with official receipts. Annual receipts giving a full account of the donations made throughout the year would be issued to donors upon the close of each financial year (usually in April).
  • 5. May I terminate the monthly donation programme committed?
    You may terminate the monthly donation commitment. Just fill in and return the "Change of Monthly Donation Instruction and Personal Particulars" Form via email to or fax to 2731-6363.
  • 6. How can I change my donation instruction or personal particulars?
    Please fill in and return the "Change of Monthly Donation Instruction and Personal Particulars" Form via email to or fax to 2731-6363.