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CS Daily:Jockey Club SportsEXPLORE Project Award Presentation Helping 70 Youngsters to Explore Sports Careers



The 'Jockey Club SportsEXPLORE Project' (the Project), run by the Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS), held the Award Presentation and BOSS Graduation Ceremony on 11 March. Over 70 young people were honoured for their active participation in the Project, exploring and achieving the objective of 'Sports as a Career'. The ceremony was officiated by Mr Wallace LAU, JP, Commissioner for Youth of Home and Youth Affairs Bureau, Ms Apple TSE, Deputy Director (Youth & Social Rehabilitation) of HKCS, Ms Donna TANG, Executive Manager, Charities (Sports and Culture) of the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC), Mr Vincent CHENG, MH, JP, Legislative Council Member, and Professor LUI Tai Lok, JP, Director of the Academy of Hong Kong Studies. High jumper Ms Cecilia YEUNG, cyclist Ms Jenny MA, basketball player Mr SO Yi Chun, and karate player Mr Jimmy LEE also joined the 'All-star Gamify Sports Challenge' with our guests and project participants to experience 'gamified sports' and promote the diverse career opportunities in Hong Kong sports industry.

Since 2021, the Project has held three terms of 'We Are the BOSS - Youth Sports Careers Life Development Journey'. Through practitioner exchanges, workplace visits, and internships, the Project has broadened the horizons of young participants in the sports industry, letting their career development break through the traditional framework to become the 'BOSS' of their own lives. Tommy, a 24-year-old participant of the 2nd term, was previously a slash working as a Dodgebee coach and multiple part-time jobs. During COVID-19, his income was unstable, and he once questioned his career direction. Tommy found his ideal 'Vocational Interest Patterns' after participating in the Project's career life development journey. He realised that even with a full-time job, he could hold sports interest classes in his spare time to pursue his love of teaching. 

Cleo, a 24-year-old participant, originally only wanted to be a physical education teacher and has recently applied for an education diploma programme but was not accepted. Through the Project, she has learnt more about different sports industries and is interested in exploring other sports-related job opportunities. Curry, a 19-year-old participant from the same term, is not interested in the aeronautical engineering course she is currently studying. She said, 'The Project has strengthened my confidence and given me the courage to explore a career in sports, so I am planning to change to a sports-related course.'

Ms Cecilia YEUNG, a renowned high jumper, shared her experience establishing her brand to encourage young people to join the sports industry, saying that 'young people have many possibilities and opportunities for different careers, and athletes can also be entrepreneurs.'


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