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CS Daily:'Little Footprints, Big Discoveries!' Children's Creative Arts Exhibition


In May, our Early Childhood Education Service held the Children's Creative Arts Exhibition - 'Little Footprints, Big Discoveries!' at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, with more than 300 artworks by over 400 little artists from our nursery schools and kindergartens. This exhibition, organised into five themed areas, invited visitors to trace and discover the fascinating artistic footprints left by children, showcasing their imaginative observations and interpretations of the world, from the micro to the macro, from the immediate to the distant, understanding how the children develop their unique perspective to observe their surroundings, engage with their community, discover Chinese culture, and explore interesting people, events, and things surrounding them. The exhibition is equipped with sensory stimulation devices for the first time, allowing visitors to understand, feel and think about children's artworks from different aspects.