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CS Daily:"The 18th Caring School Award Scheme Emerging from the Pandemic: Over 400 Schools Promote Student Well-being"

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Over the past three years, the pandemic has posed many challenges to students' well-being. Organised by HKCS, the Caring School Award Scheme (the Scheme), themed 'Holistic Care for Well-being' in the school year 2022, recognises the efforts of over 400 schools in promoting the well-being of their students. This year's awards ceremony was successfully held on 27 May, with renowned psychiatrist Dr TSANG Fan-kwong, Dr Esther HO, the Chairperson of Hong Kong Association of Careers Masters and Guidance Masters, Ms Jennifer YOUNG, Principal Inspector (Guidance & Discipline) of Education Bureau and over 100 school representatives in attendance. The ceremony featured a keynote speech by Dr TSANG, 'Care for Well-being in Schools', encouraging teachers to prioritise their well-being to care for their students effectively. He emphasised that 'with happy teachers, there will be happy students.'

During the fifth wave of COVID-19, the education sector made every effort to maintain normal campus life and care for students' well-being. For example, a kindergarten promoted health and environmental protection through 'Green Monday' and 'Fruit Day' initiatives. They also composed a health-themed song to help children remember health tips. A primary school implemented a 'Smiling Eye' activity, encouraging students to express their smiles differently while wearing masks. A secondary school established a particular group to drive campus-wide initiatives to care for students’ wellbeing, fostering a sustainable culture of care. A special school fearlessly embraced the complexities and difficulties of its students' circumstances. Led by the principal, they adopted an 'embracing students' approach, accepting and accommodating students' past experiences and building a caring campus together.

The Scheme is now in its 18th year. After comprehensive assessments by the adjudicators, the winners for the 'Holistic Care for Wellbeing' theme awards are as follows:

  • Kindergarten: NTWJWA Pok Hong Nursery School
  • Primary School: LST Leung Kau Kui Primary School (Branch)
  • Secondary School: The Methodist Church HK Wesley College
  • Special School: Caritas Pelletier School

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