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Partnership's Programme Review


Staff and Services Users 'Show Up' at UNIQLO

To support our services in the community, UNIQLO invited staff and service users from our Family Networks: Yau Tsim Integrated Family Service Centre, Bliss OPlus, and other units to take photos, which were then made into display boards and showcased in various stores. UNIQLO also donated over 250 Heattech t-shirts to our staff serving the Tsim Sha Tsui and 500 AIRism anti-odor mesh tank tops for us to distribute to those in need.




Partnership Event For Youth Services 

On 23 March, our Youth & Social Rehabilitation Service held a partnership event, inviting representatives from nearly 20 companies to interact with our staff and young people. Two youths, one from our small group home and the other from the 'BLOG' Hidden Youth Career Life Development Service, shared their experiences at the event, particularly mentioning how workplace learning experiences had greatly contributed to their life development and personal growth. Christy, the founder of our partner, May Twelve Cakery, also shared how they provide internship opportunities for young people in need to discover their potential. Through the event, corporate partners gained a better understanding of the needs of young people, and we hope to work together to create more opportunities for them in the future.




Congratulations to all Caring Companies and Organisations

For many years, we have worked together with various companies and organisations to serve the community and co-create opportunities for those in need. To recognise their contribution, we nominate them each year to participate in the 'Caring Company Scheme'. Last year, a total of 65 companies and organisations were successfully nominated by us. If your company or organisation is interested in the scheme, please call us at 2731-6362.




Pui Oi Launches Eco-Friendly Brand 'STILL' 

The eco-friendly products handmade by our Pui Oi School students - STILL dishwashing soap and liquid fertilizer made from food waste - are now available at arm coffee in Sai Kung. In Cantonese, STILL is homophonic with 'friends of the environment', referring to the young friends who come to Pui Oi to participate in environmental protection work. We hope that they will continue to show their potential, connect with local merchants and environmental partners, promote sustainable development, and bring a positive impact to the community.




Pui Oi Family Easter Party

The Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club Charity Foundation invited the children and parents of our Pui Oi School to attend an Easter party on 9 March to share love and gratitude. Under the heartwarming arrangement of the Foundation, the children spent a 'delicious and fun' morning making chocolate Easter eggs, enjoying a wonderful magic show and having a joyful time with their families.




Ethnic Minority and Local Partnership Innovative Programme

Our North Point Happy Teen Club and ‘BLOG’ Hidden Youth Career Life Development Service, together with MWYO and Junior Police Call's Project Gemstone, co-organised a cultural integration project combining innovative technology, cultural exchange and social experimentation, with the opening ceremony held on 2 March. The project recruited 10 local and 10 non-Chinese youths and divided them into groups to participate in innovative technology training, explore social issues related to cultural integration together, design innovative solutions and present the results at the achievement showcase day in July. The course design partner, Talent Co-op, will assist in exploring feasible ways to turn the solutions into real, market-ready technology products.




Promoting the Development of Social Services

On 4 March, we attended the '4th Annual Conference on Policy Research and Advocacy cum Workshop' organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service. During the event, Dr Jackie Chan, Supervisor of the Centre for Research & Development, spoke on 'Construction of Organizational Research Culture', discussing how we have been advocating for appropriate policies through evidence-based research over the years and working with various sectors to promote the development of social services. Staff from our Active Ageing & Community Care Service also took part in the poster presentation, introducing our 'Survey on Service Needs of Elders with Emigrant Children in Hong Kong' and exchanging ideas with colleagues from the social welfare and education sectors.




Social Welfare Organisation Speed Dating Day

On 26 February, we participated in the 'Social Welfare Organisation Speed Dating Day', setting up a booth to showcase various resources and services related to supporting SEN children, promoting the holistic development of infants, and engaging in in-depth exchanges with colleagues from the social welfare sector to share knowledge. During the event, our Deputy Director (Youth &Social Rehabilitation), Ms Apple Tse, shared about CV360® - a comprehensive curriculum vitae and expressed that CV360® can help match talents more effectively in different industries and occupations.




Exhibition of 'Kids' Omakase' Voice of the Children Community Participation Project

The exhibition of the 'Kids' Omakase' Voice of the Children Community Participation Project organised by our North Point Happy Teen Club concluded successfully on 1 January. The project was supported by Plan International (Hong Kong), co-planned with the Hill Workshop, and accompanied by adult facilitators. The opening ceremony was officiated by Dr Kanie Siu, CEO of Plan International (Hong Kong); Mr Kenneth Hung, Assistant District Social Welfare Officer (Eastern/Wan Chai), Social Welfare Department; Mr Tik Chi-yuen, Legislative Council Member (Social Welfare); Mr Kwok Wai-keung, Legislative Council Member (Labour); Ms Karen Yiu, Chief Officer, Children & Youth Service, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service; and our Deputy Director (Youth & Social Rehabilitation), Ms Apple Tse, who shared words of encouragement.




Disney Donates 4,000 Toys to Children in Need

At the end of 2023, Hong Kong Disneyland donated over 4,000 sets of toys, which were distributed through our various service units to children in need, allowing them to enter a wonderful world and enjoy playtime with their families during Christmas.




Embarking on a Digital Technology Journey with the Elderly

As the 'digital divide' still poses challenges to the lives of many elders, we organised the 'Sharing the Festive Joy – Fun4Infinity' with CLP Power Hong Kong Limited on 18 November 2023. Around 250 elderly participants learned to use mobile applications through engaging activities and games flexibly. This enhanced their confidence in using digital technology, helped them overcome the 'digital divide', and improved their quality of life.




Youth and Volunteers Exchange Stories

On 21 October, our 'BLOG' Hidden Youth Career Life Development Service was visited by volunteers from J.P. Morgan Chase Bank and Hongkong Land HOME FUND for an interactive exchange. The 'BLOG' youths demonstrated what they had learnt by carefully arranging coffee brewing and fluid art creation experiences for the volunteers. The corporate volunteers patiently listened to the youths' voices, encouraging and inspiring them as they shared their interests, life experiences, and hopes for the future with each other... laughter echoed throughout the event.