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Interview with the former helmsmen of Hong Kong Christian Service


Considering the importance of corporate image in this era, brand building is also an important field to social welfare agencies. An agency's brand image is derived from its unique mission, vision and value.


This issue invites three leading figures who are of paramount importance to Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS) and they will share with us the analysis of the ideas and benchmark features of HKCS's past developments from a macro perspective.


Rev Dr So Shing Yit Eric, Former Chairman of the Management Committee, became associated with the office in 1999. He had served as chairman for nearly 10 years and retired in November 2021. What direction shall a social service organisation with a Christian background go in his view?


Mr Ng Shui Lai, BBS, MBE, JP, Former Chief Executive, has worked at HKCS for over 40 years, and is familiar with the evolution of HKCS as if enumerating one's family treasures.


He has recounted the history starting from 1950s while emphasising the ideas and values that HKCS has always cherished.


Mr Suen Lai Sang, Former Director, joined the Office in 1982 and became the Director in 2011 to lead the development of HKCS. When asked about the most memorable service, the experience of Kwun Tong Vocational Training Centre (KTVTC) stands out among the many moments on his mind. Let us listen to him dearly in detail.


This issue will confer a clear insight on us of the development of HKCSover the past 70 years through three pieces of sharing from the three leaders.