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CS Daily:Elderly Service wins 2 awards at OEP 2022


Both our Shun Lee Neighbourhood Elderly Centre and Fortune Neighbourhood Elderly Centre won the 'Creativity Award' of Opportunities for the Elderly Project 2022 (OEP) for 'Passing on Love through Generations' and 'From Small Move to Great Meaning: Innovating with Elders' respectively. The Award Presentation Ceremony of OEP gave a chance to the elderly to look back on their active participation in the past two years, making it an unforgettable memory for them.

In 'Passing on Love through Generations,' elderly couples shared with young couples on their philosophy of love and experience in maintaining marriage. Young people documented the love stories of the elders to pass on their blessings through generations.

‘From Small Move to Great Meaning: Innovating with Elders' encouraged the elderly to make small changes in their lives by exploring the technology adoption with students from Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and young people in the community.

Learn more (Chinese only):

'Passing on Love through Generations'

'From Small Move to Great Meaning: Innovating with Elders'