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Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service

Counselling's 'Value': Accompanying Youth Out of Uncertainty 

(From Left) Alice, Service User & Ah Yung, Social Worker Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service 


'Before I started counselling, I lived in the future, always worrying about what was to come,' said Alice, a university student, 'today, I have learnt to live in the present, letting go of anxiety about the future.' This year, in May, our Children & Youth Service launched the 'Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service', providing professional counselling services to assist young people in facing the uncertainties of growing up. Alice is one of the service users. 'Counselling has value, not in monetary terms, but in terms of growth,' said Yung Ka Yu (Ah Yung), a social worker of our Shamshuipo Central Happy Teens Club, who followed up with Alice’s case. 'Every stage of growth has moments of confusion, but often without clear resolution, one continues to be lost. We hope to accompany the youth through this growth.'



Expanding Youth’s Mental Space 

In the recent past, Alice faced various problems, including estrangement from her parents, her brother's illness, and dissatisfaction with her boyfriend. She had talked about these issues with people around her but never found a way out until this summer when she learnt about the 'Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service'. 'Trying another channel isn't a bad thing. I didn't have much expectation initially,' she said. 'I didn't expect to cry in the first meeting with Ah Yung. She accompanied me through the emotional journey.'

Talking to Alice, it's not hard to feel she's a rational, responsible girl—organising her story well, always caring for her brother, and carefully planning for the future. However, this rationality buried her emotions deep inside, 'I've been arguing with my parents since I was a child, and starting from primary five, I realised that even if I expressed my feelings, no one would understand or respond.' Over time, she closed herself off at home, 'When Ah Yung described me as lonely in counselling, I was greatly touched.' Rather than rationally seeking solutions, Alice felt Ah Yung cared more about her emotions, 'My repressed emotions were like a balloon, and Ah Yung burst it.' Alice previously saw emotions as a terrible flood, lacking emotional experience, so Ah Yung tried to let her share her feelings more. 'After three counselling sessions, Alice was more able to accept her emotions,' said Ah Yung, 'Her mental space has expanded.'

'Every stage of growth has many uncertainties that make one feel lost,' Alice said, 'But if we don't fixate on dealing with these uncertainties, we won't be lost.' Facing various situations with her parents, brother, and boyfriend, she no longer obsesses over preventing every problem or meeting her standards, instead learning to let go of anxiety, focusing on the present, 'Step by step, keep walking.'


Finding Opportunities for Transformation in Being Lost

'Alice is an incredible girl,' said Apple Ngo, who is Clinical Supervisor of our Children & Youth Service, explained that the problems young people encounter in growth sometimes need more than rational solutions, but also an awareness of emotional changes, 'Life won't always be smooth sailing. We spend a lot of effort on the future but neglect our current emotional needs. Alice gained this awareness in counselling. I believe it will help her face more challenges in the future. This is also the experience we hope our counselling service can bring to young people.'

Susanne Choi, Service Head of our Children & Youth Service, added, 'When young people start to enter society, taking on adult roles, there are many areas to adapt to.' She said, 'Everyone's growth is moving forward. We rarely think back on how past events have shaped us. Our counselling service is not about finding answers to individual problems, but helping young people get back on track, understanding the root of the problem.'

In being lost, young people gain the opportunity in counselling services to understand themselves and accept support from social workers, counsellors, or other companions, transforming their lives. Apple cited a case where a young person always dealt with his difficulties by evasion. In the counselling process, Apple helped him become aware of the anxiety he had always feared facing, allowing him to release and express his feelings so that he could gain the space and courage to face difficulties rather than just evading them.



Meanings of Get L.O.S.T.

Get To Get…

L. (Lost/Loss) No matter whether you are encountering lost or loss

O. (Opportunity) If you are willing to take this opportunity

S. (Support) To be seen and to be supported

T. (Transform) Life Transformation is waiting for you

服務使用者與服務團隊合照(From Left) Ah Yung, Social Worker; Alice, Service User;
Susanne Choi, Service Head of our Children & Youth Service;
Apple Ngo, Clinical Supervisor of our Children & Youth Service


Promoting Professional Counselling Services

The target users for Integrated Children and Youth Service are children and youth aged 6 to 24 years old, while the 'Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service' covers young people aged 18 to 35, expanding the service to include those aged 25 to 35. Susanne explained this age range is not only a stage of life where one can easily get lost but also a significant service gap in current social services. Therefore, she hopes to cater to their needs on a trial basis, but currently, it only provides services to this age group on a limited quota basis.

Apple indicated that the 'Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service' is formed by our colleagues from four integrated youth service centres, including Shamshuipo Central Happy Teens Club, and all colleagues participate voluntarily. Everyone hopes to learn professional counselling knowledge on the one hand and promote the development of counselling services on the other. 'It's not just those with serious problems who need services, even if it's just a small trouble or growth doubt, as long as young people want someone to listen to and understand their experiences, they can seek counselling,' she said, 'We're not trying to create miracles, just providing companionship is enough.'