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CS Daily:Teacher and Student of 'Teen TechCreator' Sharing Learning Experiences with Hong Kong Community Chest

香港公益金與「數碼創新 Teen」交流

On October 26, 'Teen TechCreator', supported by the Community Chest Social Innovation Fund, held a teacher and student sharing session with the Community Chest of Hong Kong. Yang, a participant of Teen TechCreator, shared that he learnt how to make video games, and gained a sense of achievement in sharing his works with others. Another participant, Lai, has found his direction in the programme and determined to become a game designer with family support.


Dr Eric YIP and Mr Edward CHEUNG, Vice Patron and Board Member of the Community Chest of Hong Kong recognised the effectiveness of the project. They also appreciated students' performances and gave them encouragement. Teen TechCreator launched its first phase in March this year. It targeted junior secondary school students who have low motivation to learn but are interested in online games, game production, and programming, aiming to increase their learning motivation and digital intelligence through game production and programming training, so as to enhance youth self-understanding and cultivate them into TechCreators.

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