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    • info@hkcs.org

Animal-Human Bond Project

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Concerning teenagers' feelings of loneliness, sense of being lost, and mental wellness, Animal-Human Bond Project (AHBP) provides teenagers with a platform for diverse exploration, career development, and social-emotional connections. Through innovative and cross-sector collaboration services, AHBP aims to empower teenagers to make informed choices and engage in meaningful personal growth. Besides, addressing the emigration phenomenon, we also care about the high risk of social isolation depression of elders who are staying in Hong Kong alone.  AHBP is a service project about connecting youths, elders, and animals. 



With their non-judgmental and comforting nature, animals always play a significant supporting role on safety, attachment, and caring need in human lives, especially people with "emotional loneliness" and "social loneliness". By using animal-assisted interventions, AHBP facilitates all-rounded development with positive emotional well-being and identity. 



Service Target 

  1. Youth aged between 15 to 24 experiencing non-engaged for schooling or jobless/ career and life confusion/ potential social withdrawn status/ with mental health related difficulties; 
  2. Elders aged 60 or above staying alone in Hong Kong with emigrated family member(s) ;
  3. Other stakeholders, including schools, communities, animal industries, and business partnership.


Service Goals

  1. Strengthening the connection between youth and other systems, reducing their anxiety and loneliness, increasing their connections and well-being; 
  2. Assisting youth, to enhance diverse exploration and skills training to improve their career development capabilities and engage in meaningful life; 
  3. Promoting mentorship programme between youth and the elderly to foster intergenerational harmony, strengthening social intergenerational connections; 
  4. Promoting the value "inclusion and harmony between humans and animals", establishing a positive supportive atmosphere, strengthening social capital. 


Service Content 

  • Animal-Assisted emotional support activities  
  • Animal healthcare and nursing career development courses 
  • Career life planning guidance and casework follow-up 
  • Animal industry workplace learning 
  • Community connection services 
  • Intergenerational harmony volunteer services  
  • Adoption animal matching and home guidance services (Coming soon) 
  • Day care services for geriatric/healthcare need animal (Coming soon)


Service Application and Termination 

Please contact responsible social workers for enquiry, registration, and assessment. 




*This project is provided by registered social workers from our North Point Happy Teens Club.



Service Hours

Monday to Friday

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 

2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. 





Contact Us
  • Room 119-125, G/F, Lok Yiu House, Lai Yiu Estate, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong
  • 9168 2306
  • ahbp@hkcs.org