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Jockey Club InspireAbility Project: Technology for Career and Life Development of Students with Special Educational Needs


Jockey Club InspireAbility Project: Technology for Career and Life Development of Students with Special Educational Needs has been launched since September 2024. The project is funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, co-organised by Hong Kong Christian Service (HKCS), Caritas Jockey Club Lok Yan School, CCC Kei Shun Special School, CCC Mongkok Church Kai Oi School, Ebenezer New Hope School, Hong Chi Morningjoy School, Yuen Long, Hong Chi Shiu Pong Morninghope School, Hong Kong Red Cross Margaret Trench School, Hong Kong Red Cross Princess Alexandra School, PLK Anita LL Chan (Centenary) School, PLK Law’s Foundation School, SAHK B M Kotewall Memorial School, The Jockey Club Hong Chi School and TWGHs Tsui Tsin Tong School, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (Listed in alphabetical order).


The project is emphasized for the promotion of assistive technology in teaching across special schools in Hong Kong. The establishment of the assistive technology resource centres is featured, where the most advanced assistive technology equipment and applications are utilized in conjunction with relevant teaching and activities to improve physical and communication challenges of students with special needs, thereby achieving better learning outcomes. In addition, connections are promoted with social welfare agencies, allowing for early intervention to be provided for graduate students and appropriate support to be given to both current and former students, to ensure that more targeted and high-quality career planning services are offered, cross-sector communication and collaboration are facilitated, and equitable opportunities are provided to special needs students, thereby enhancing their quality of life.



  • Provide comprehensive career life development support for students with special needs through the Hong Kong Benchmarks (Special Schools), promoting their integration and development in school and community.
  • Utilise advanced assistive technology resources to improve the physical and cognitive functions of individuals with special needs, enhancing their quality of life, learning, and employment.
  • Equip social welfare and education professionals to effectively use assistive technology, facilitating the holistic development of individuals with special needs.
  • Strengthen the connections between special schools and social welfare organizations, providing transition support services for graduates of special schools to cultivate their values, attitudes, skills, and knowledge, thereby optimizing their career, educational, and vocational planning.


Service Content

1.  Transition support for students with special needs
  • Promote the use of the CV360® Infinity platform
  • Career Life Development Training (V.A.S.K.)
  • Information Day activities
  • Guided Placements/Internships
  • Personal Consultation/Coaching
  • Alumni Sharing
  • Parent Workshops
  • Serious Leisure Building Events


2. Establishment of Assistive Technology Resource Centres
  • Provide demonstrations and tours of assistive technology for caregivers of individuals with special needs and adult rehabilitation units.
  • Offer assistive technology training for graduates with special needs.
  • Provide professional training for staff of adult rehabilitation units.


Target groups

  • Students and graduates with special needs.
  • Individuals with special needs and caregivers in community or rehabilitation service units.
  • Service providers in the social service and education sectors.


Funded by

Funded by the Hong Long Jockey Club Charities Trust

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays


Contact Us
  • Unit 805, 8/F, Tower B, Hunghom Commercial Centre, 37 Ma Tau Wai Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 3708 8494
  • 3708 8365