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Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER)



Centre for Harmony and Enhancement of Ethnic Minority Residents (CHEER) has been funded by the Home Affairs Department (HAD) since 2009 to provide accessible services to ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Through the provision of interpretation services and multi-dimensional programmes, CHEER aims at achieving the following objectives:

  1. To assist the ethnic minorities in knowing and accessing essential public services and resources.
  2. To enhance the ethnic minorities' proficiencies in Chinese and English.
  3. To enhance the ethnic minorities' capacity in problem-solving and adjustment in Hong Kong.
  4. To promote social inclusion and integration in Hong Kong.


Service Targets

All ethnic minorities in Hong Kong, and all organisations serving ethnic minority persons.



Service Application

  • All ethnic minority persons can call the TELIS Hotlines, WhatsApp or visit our Centre to enroll to use our services for free. Our services include interpretation services, language and integration programmes (click for details), counselling, guidance and referral services.

  • All organisations serving ethnic minority persons can call the TELIS Hotlines, email or fax requests to the Centre during operation hours. Our services include interpretation and translation services (Fees are waived for NGOs and all non-profit-making kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, colleges as listed in the EDB), free briefing sessions about interpretation & translation services and cultural awareness (Download Form: DOC | PDF ).

  • Language Identification Card
    (Download Form: DOC | PDF )

  • Application for Agency Code
    (Download Form: DOC | PDF )

  • Handy Communication with non- English/ Chinese speakers 
    (Download: DOC | PDF )

    Seeking Consent from EM Service Users
    (Download: DOC | PDF )



Service Withdrawal

Service users can exit our services by giving a verbal request for termination to our staff.



Service Content

Telephone Interpretation Service (TELIS) &
Telephone Interpretation Service Appointment (TELISA)

  • Monday to Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
  • Interpretation support can be provided for urgent matters out of operation hours (10 p.m. to 8 a.m. on Monday to Sunday, and on public holidays); Ethnic minority service users and service providers in need of interpretation support for urgent matters can call our TELIS hotlines in which our English-speaking staff will answer your call.
    (Download form: DOC | PDF | Online Application )

Telephone Interpretation Service Hotlines (TELIS)

Telephone Interpretation Service Hotlines: Bahasa Indonesia: 3755 6811, Nepali: 3755 6822, Urdu: 3755 6833, Punjabi: 3755 6844, Tagalog: 3755 6855, Thai: 3755 6866, Hindi: 3755 6877, Vietnamese: 3755 6888, Public service providers (Direct line): 3755 6800


Drop-in Service

  • Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Public holidays: Closed


WhatsApp & Sight Interpretation Service (WSIS) 

WhatsApp & Sight Interpretation Service (WSIS) provides verbal interpretation for short notices in English received from ethnic minority persons.

  • Monday:  9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
  • Tuesday to Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.
  • Public holidays: Closed

*Can use this service via WhatsApp to 5634 4587.


Bridging Service (BRS)

Bridging Service (BRS) assists ethnic minority service users to inform their service providers to arrange for interpretation services in their future appointments. 

  • Monday to Sunday:  8:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
  • Public holidays: Closed

On-site Interpretation Service (OIS) 

Face-to-face interpretation (spoken) when our interpreters are present physically in the same place as the service provider and the Ethnic Minority service user. 

  • Monday to Friday: 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Public holidays: Closed

* Service requests are made by organisations serving ethnic minority persons. 

(Download Form: DOC | PDF | Online Application )


Simultaneous Interpretation Service (SIS) 

Face-to-face interpretation when our interpreters are present physically in the same place as the service providers and the EM users. It gives support to service providers on transmitting essential information to respective groups of EM users in workshops and seminars.

  • Monday to Friday:  10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
  • Saturday: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
  • Sunday and public holidays: Closed

* Service requests are made by organisations serving ethnic minority persons.

(Download Form: DOC | PDF | Online Application


Voice-Recording Service (VRS)

This service is applicable to organisations serving ethnic minority persons.  Apply for the service at least 14 working days in advance.

(Download Form: DOC | PDF | Online Application )


Sight Translation Service for Service Providers (STS)

This service is applicable to organisations serving ethnic minority persons.  Apply for the service at least 7 working days in advance.

(Download Form: DOC | PDFOnline Application )


Translation Service (TS) & Proof-reading Service (PS) 

This service is applicable to organisations serving ethnic minority persons.  Apply for the service at least 14 working days in advance. 

(Download Form: DOC | PDF | Online Application )




Map & Direction

Location of CHEER


Walking Route 1 : Kwun Tong Station Exit A2 > APM > Entrepot Centre > How Ming Street > Tsun Yip Street > South Asia Commercial Centre

Walking Route 2 : Kwun Tong Station Exit B3 > Hoi Yuen Road > How Ming Street > South Asia Commerical Centre

Walking Route 3: Tsun Yip Lane Bus Stop > Nanyang Commercial Bank > Tsun Yip Lane > Tsun Yip Street > South Asia Commercial Centre

Arrangement of services during typhoon signal No.8 or Black rainstorm signal
  • When typhoon signal No.8 or Black rainstorm signal is issued or expected to be issued, our centre will be closed and all interpretation services will be suspended.
  • Our staff will contact those who booked TELISA, OIS and SIS to make a new booking.


This programme is sponsored by the Home Affairs Department.


Sponsor logo - Home Affairs Department  政府資助計劃

Contact Us
  • 4/F, South Asia Commercial Centre, 64 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 3106 3104
  • 3106 0454
  • /
  • 3106 3104
  • 3106 0454
  • /
  • 5222 0554