• 2731 6316
    • info@hkcs.org

Empowerment and Advocacy Work


Service Objectives

With "advocate justice" as one of our agency missions, we are actively concerned and promptly respond to social policies and welfare related to seniors as well as arousing public awareness. We intend to empower the seniors, facilitate them to know, concern and participate in social welfare and actively voice their opinions. In partnership with the seniors and the stakeholders, we are dedicated to advocating reasonable social policies and cultivating a favourable and equitable living environment for the seniors.




We adopt diversified working approaches to show our concern and respond to social policies related to seniors including a cluster level regular working group on advocacy work, ad hoc groups on specific topics, survey and research work, response to government consultation documents, participate in meetings conducted by government or concern groups, etc. With regard to facilitating empowerment of seniors, the "Elderly Council" (EC) has been formed to enable our service users to understand the issues related to seniors and encourage their participation in advocacy work. Besides, 4 "District Elderly Councils" have been formed in our DECC and 3 NECs so as to encourage seniors' involvement in district affairs.



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Advocacy & Research Work in the last 3 years



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Contact Us
  • 5/F, 33 Granville Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 2731 6310
  • 2724 3655
  • ecouncil@hkcs.org