• 2731 6316
    • info@hkcs.org

Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service

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When entering adulthood, youth may encounter many uncertainties and challenges. Our service provides professional and personal counselling services and experiential workshop to assist youth aged 18-24 to have better self-understanding and explore positive growth opportunities, to promote their personal growth and body-mind integration.



Meaning of Get L.O.S.T.

Get: "To Get…"

L. (Lost/Loss): "No matter whether you are encountering lost or loss"

O. (Opportunity): "If you are willing to take this opportunity "

S. (Support): "To be seen and to be supported "

T. (Transform) : "Life Transformation is waiting for you "

The Jounrey of Get L.O.S.T.

Get Lost/ Loss > Get Opportunity / Get Support > Get Transformed



Service Content

Individual counselling service

Our registered social workers provide not more than 12 sessions of individual counselling for those experiencing the following life challenges:

  • Lost/Trauma
  • Career uncertainty
  • Emotional distress
  • Change adaption
  • Job/Workplace stress
  • Interpersonal relationship distress
  • Family relationship distress
  • Self-exploration


Experiential personal growth workshop

    To enhance the understanding and self-exploration for young people, in order to promote personal growth.



    Service Targets

    Hong Kong residents aged 18 - 24



    Service Boundary





    • Counselling Service : Free of charge
    • Experiential personal growth workshop : Depending on individual programme



    Service Application



    Service Termination

    • Counselling service:Service will be terminated when the agreed counselling plan is completed or when the counsellor has made appropriate referral. Service user can also contact his/her responsible social worker for termination of service.

    • Experiential personal growth workshop:Service user can contact the responsible staff.


    Contact Us

    Online enquiry and registration form


