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Get L.O.S.T. Youth Counseling Service



When entering adulthood, youth may encounter many uncertainties and challenges. Our service provides professional and personal counselling services and experiential workshop to assist youth aged 18-24 to have better self-understanding and explore positive growth opportunities, to promote their personal growth and body-mind integration.



Meaning of Get L.O.S.T.

Get: "To Get…"

L. (Lost/Loss): "No matter whether you are encountering lost or loss"

O. (Opportunity): "If you are willing to take this opportunity "

S. (Support): "To be seen and to be supported "

T. (Transform) : "Life Transformation is waiting for you "

The Jounrey of Get L.O.S.T.

Get Lost/ Loss > Get Opportunity / Get Support > Get Transformed



Service Content

Individual counselling service

Our registered social workers provide not more than 12 sessions of individual counselling for those experiencing the following life challenges:

  • Lost/Trauma
  • Career uncertainty
  • Emotional distress
  • Change adaption
  • Job/Workplace stress
  • Interpersonal relationship distress
  • Family relationship distress
  • Self-exploration


Experiential personal growth workshop

    To enhance the understanding and self-exploration for young people, in order to promote personal growth.



    Service Targets

    Hong Kong residents aged 18 - 24



    Service Boundary





    • Counselling Service : Free of charge
    • Experiential personal growth workshop : Depending on individual programme



    Service Application



    Service Termination

    • Counselling service:Service will be terminated when the agreed counselling plan is completed or when the counsellor has made appropriate referral. Service user can also contact his/her responsible social worker for termination of service.

    • Experiential personal growth workshop:Service user can contact the responsible staff.


    Contact Us

    Online enquiry and registration form


