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Online New Page-Online Addiction Counselling Centre



Our Integrated Children and Youth Service (Happy Teens Club) has developed the "Online New Page Project" since 2005. Later the Project has been funded by the Community Chest of Hong Kong and renamed as Online New Page – Online Addiction Counselling Centre since 2010.




Young internet addicts are usually labelled as lazy or sick. However, we believe that internet addiction is just an indicator showing the unmet needs of young internet addicts. They may rely on the internet as the only way out or a placebo to relieve their dissatisfaction. Therefore, to rebuild and develop effective strategies and skills to the attainments of unmet needs can regain the life balance of young internet addicts.




  1. To help young internet addicts regain their life balance.
  2. To help parents of young internet addicts improve family functioning.
  3. To promote the messages of healthy internet use through community education.


Service Content

Case services

  1. Workshops and consultation service for parents.
  2. Parents group.
  3. Outreaching and counselling service for youths.
  4. Activities organised by Online Buddy Alliance for youths.*
  5. Outreaching and counselling service to family members.
  6. Activities organised by Parent Support Network.^

Supportive services (For schools or other organisations)

  1. Online Agent Groups (Groups for primary or secondary school students).
  2. Parents talks.
  3. Parents workshops.
  4. Parent support network sharing sessions.
  5. Professional training.
  6. Case enquiry.

*Online Buddy Alliance is formed by young people who have been served. In the alliance, a variety of interesting and challenging activities will be organised for them so as to build up their interests in areas other than the internet and to foster their habits in healthy internet use. In addition, Online Buddies will help our volunteer work in disseminating the messages of healthy internet use to the society.

^Parent Support Network is formed by parents who have been served. Acting as a mutual aid network among parents, it will organise different activities as to help parents develop skills and confidence in handling children's internet problems. It also helps parents to relieve stress in parenting when handling the conflicts aroused by internet problems.



Service Target

Young people aged between 6 and 24 and their parents.



Service Application

Our Registered Social Workers will provide follow up counselling service after receiving enquiries through service hotline. For groups and activities, service users can make enquiries to the staff responsible for the programmes.



Service Termination

  • Counselling service will be terminated when the agreed service plans have been achieved or proper service referrals are made. Service users can also approach the social worker for service termination at any time.
  • If service users want to withdraw from groups or activities, they can contact our staff for detailed arrangements.


Opening Hours

Monday to Friday

10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays




This project is supported by The Community Chest

Contact Us
  • Unit 119-125, G/F., Lok Yiu House, Lai Yiu Estate, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong
  • 3586 2356
  • 2304 3562
  • /
  • 2561 0363