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Pario Arts Education Centre



The Hong Kong Christian Service is a social service organisation established in 1952. In order to extend the advocacy and promotion of children's arts education in the past decade, Pario Arts, a children's creative arts centre, was launched in 2011.




The heart of the centre's philosophy is based on the concept of creative arts education. To promote an all-rounded development of children, we create an artistic atmosphere and design diversified programmmes and activities to inspire children's multiple abilities such as creativity and aesthetics.



Target Service Recipients

Infants and children aged 2 to 14 and their parents. Members of the public who are interested in learning are also welcomed.



Application Procedure

Please fill out the application form and submit the related fees.



Withdrawal Procedure

There is no refund on any activity fees unless the activity has been cancelled. 



Service Features

  1. Child-oriented curriculum based on creative arts education theory is used to promote holistic development of children.
  2. Children are engaged in different art media and tutorials to stimulate creativity and artistic potential.
  3. Painting appreciation and children's artwork sharing sessions are built into the courses in order to develop children's observation and expression skills. They also learn to appreciate themselves and others.
  4. Tutors with professional qualifications and children's arts teaching experience are hired to guide children to realise their potential.
  5. Art materials that have passed safety-testing and certification are used so that children can explore freely in a safe environment.
  6. A consultant team formed by well-known experts is available to help optimise the creative arts education activities and improve professional standards on a continual basis.


Scope of Service

  1. Creativity and Exhibitions
    Our centre is equipped with a mini gallery and various function rooms. They provide a platform for stimulating creativity and art appreciation.

  2. Art Creation Courses / Activities
    We stimulate children's creativity and artistic potential through a series of systematic, diverse and continuous creative arts courses / activities. Activities offered include "Group Art Courses", "Parent-Child Art Activities" and "Festival Art Workshop".

  3. On-site School Support for Arts Education
    We provide school-based art training support services. The main purpose is to help organise thematic art lectures for parents or teachers and to promote children's or parent-child art creation activities.

  4. Self-help studio
    Participants of all ages are encouraged to enjoy creating art freely in a relaxing and artistic atmosphere.

  5. ArtJam Private Parties
    Friends and families meet to share memorable and enjoyable experiences through art activities to improve relationships and inspire creativity.

Service Hours

Tuesday to Saturday

9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

2:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.


Mondays and public holidays


Contact Us
  • 1/F Circle Garden, 229 Sai Yee Street, Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 2383 3833
  • 2383 3535