Comprehensive Student Guidance Service for Primary School

Comprehensive Student Guidance Service for Primary School

Beliefs and Objectives

We believe that holistic development of students not only needs proper school education, but also requires comprehensive nurturing services. Our Comprehensive Student Guidance Service for Primary School strives to collaborate with schools and families in helping students to cope with their personal, family, interpersonal and academic issues. We cater for the developmental needs of students and devote to develop students’ potential to the fullest. We aim at promoting their positive physical and psychosocial well-being, relationship with peers, families, schools and the community.

Service Contents

Full-time stationing services cater for schools:

  • To develop school- based counselling policies and system.
  • To provide counselling for students and make referrals.
  • To design and implement the Personal Growth Curriculum.
  • To provide consultation and counseling for parents.
  • To provide consultation and training for teachers.
  • To assist school crisis management.
  • To coordinate and mobilise community resources.

Service Targets

Students and their families of our serving primary schools.

Service Application

Interested schools may contact our Service Head of School Social Work Service.

Service Termination

Service will be terminated once students have graduated from / left the school.

Office Hours

Main Office
Monday8:45am - 5:45pm
Tuesday to Friday9:00am - 5:45pm

Youth & Social Rehabilitation

Youth & Social Rehabilitation

Caring School Award Scheme

