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School Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions (Sham Shui Po District Team)


Beliefs and Objectives

  • Child-centered: To foster positive character and unleash potentials of pre-primary children
  • Family-oriented: To enhance parents'/ carers' parental skills to meet children's needs in different developmental stages
  • Partnership with school: To collaborate with school personnel in guidance policies and systems establishment; to enhance teachers' awareness in crisis identification and proper handling; to facilitate home-school cooperation in child development


Service Contents

  • To provide professional counselling and referral service for pre-primary children and families
  • To organise relevant thematic activities
  • To organise parenting education groups and talks
  • To provide professional consultations for teaching staffs and parents
  • To provide crisis management for case in need


Service Targets

Students and their families of our serving Pre-Primary Institutions.


Service Application

Parents and Carers may contact the stationing school social worker directly for services. Referral from school personnel and other relevant service units is also accepted.


Service Termination 

Service will be terminated once students have graduated from / left the school.


List of Pre-Primary Institutions (PPIs)

Name of PPIs


Stationing Time

Che Lok Kindergarten

2191 5488

Tue & Thur

Che Lok Kindergarten

2191 5488

Tue & Thur

Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Nam Cheong Kindergarten

2725 8913

Tue & Thur

Guideposts Kindergarten (Nam Cheong Branch)

2681 1208

Wed & Fri

Hong Kong Christian Service Lei Cheng Uk Nursery School

2361 2355

Wed & Fri

Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Kei Oi Nursery School

2729 2991

Tue & Thur

Hong Kong Y.W.C.A Athena Kindergarten

2728 1122

Wed & Fri

Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Nam Cheong Nursery School

2725 9292

Tue & Thur

Po Leung Kuk Lau Chan Siu Po Kindergarten

2267 4531

Tue & Thur

Precious Blood Kindergarten (Sham Shui Po)

2386 2586

Wed & Fri

Sham Shui Po Tak Shin Kindergarten

2728 3997

Tue & Thur

Sheng Kung Hui Sham Shui Po Kei Oi Church Kindergarten

2361 2184

Tue & Thur

Tack Ching Kindergarten

2729 3212

Tue, Wed & Fri

The Church of Christ in China Kei Chun Kindergarten

2361 8246

Tue & Thur

TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Tam Kam Kau Kindergarten

2677 7266

2nd & 4th Mon & Wed,
1st & 3rd Wed & Fri

Western Pacific Kindergarten

2367 6144

Tue & Thur



Love For Kids Series

Kids Need your Hug
Kids Need your Hug

Kids Need your Kiss
Kids Need your Kiss

Kids Need your Love
Kids Need your Love


Be a Good Enough Parent

ACT emotion managment


Love and Discipline



Office Hours

School Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions (Sham Shui Po District Team)

Main Office


8:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.


Tuesday to Friday

9:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.




Contact Us
  • Unit 5, 9/F, China Shipbuilding Tower, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 3611 8830
  • 3565 1213