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    • info@hkcs.org

School Social Work Service for Pre-Primary Institutions (Sham Shui Po District Team)

  • Support Us

  • Join Us

  • Service Units


Beliefs and Objectives

  • Child-centered: To foster positive character and unleash potentials of pre-primary children
  • Family-oriented: To enhance parents'/ carers' parental skills to meet children's needs in different developmental stages
  • Partnership with school: To collaborate with school personnel in guidance policies and systems establishment; to enhance teachers' awareness in crisis identification and proper handling; to facilitate home-school cooperation in child development


Service Contents

  • To provide professional counselling and referral service for pre-primary children and families
  • To organise relevant thematic activities to consolidate family relationship
  • To organise parenting education groups and talks
  • To provide professional consultations for teaching staffs and parents
  • To provide crisis management for case in need


Service Targets

Students and their families of our serving Pre-Primary Institutions.


Service Application

Students may contact the stationing school social worker directly for services.


Service Termination 

Service will be terminated once students have graduated from / left the school.



List of Pre-Primary Institutions (PPIs)

Name of PPIsContactStationing Time
Che Lok Kindergarten2191 5488Tue & Thur
Che Lok Kindergarten2191 5488Tue & Thur
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Hong Kong Nam Cheong Kindergarten2725 8913Tue & Thur
Guideposts Kindergarten (Nam Cheong Branch)2681 1208Wed & Fri
Hong Kong Christian Service Lei Cheng Uk Nursery School2361 2355Wed & Fri
Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Kei Oi Nursery School2729 2991Tue & Thur
Hong Kong Y.W.C.A Athena Kindergarten2728 1122Wed & Fri
Pentecostal Church of Hong Kong Nam Cheong Nursery School2725 9292Tue & Thur
Po Leung Kuk Lau Chan Siu Po Kindergarten2267 4531Tue & Thur
Precious Blood Kindergarten (Sham Shui Po)2386 2586Wed & Fri
Sham Shui Po Tak Shin Kindergarten2728 3997Tue & Thur
Sheng Kung Hui Sham Shui Po Kei Oi Church Kindergarten2361 2184Tue & Thur
Tack Ching Kindergarten2729 3212Tue, Wed & Fri
The Church of Christ in China Kei Chun Kindergarten2361 8246Tue & Thur
TWGHs Mr. & Mrs. Tam Kam Kau Kindergarten2677 72662nd & 4th Mon & Wed,
1st & 3rd Wed & Fri
Western Pacific Kindergarten2367 6144Tue & Thur






Love For Kids Series

Kids Need your Hug
Kids Need your Hug

Kids Need your Kiss
Kids Need your Kiss

Kids Need your Love
Kids Need your Love



Be a Good Enough Parent

ACT emotion managment


Love and Discipline



Seminar Highlights
  • Welcome Address by Miss Apple TSE, Deputy Director (Youth & Social Rehabilitation) of HKCS

  • Keynote by Professor Joyce MA of the Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Keynote by Miss Zoe CHEUNG, Service Supervisor, & Miss Josephine TO, School Social Worker, of HKCS School Social Work Service

  • Highlights

  • Highlights

Office Hours 


8:45 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.


Tuesday to Friday

9:00 a.m. - 5:45 p.m.




Contact Us
  • Unit 5, 9/F, China Shipbuilding Tower, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
  • 3611 8830
  • 3565 1213
  • sswppissp@hkcs.org