Press release:Three-quarters of the students reported playing more video games during pandemic (Chinese version only)
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Press release:Three-quarters of the students reported playing more video games during pandemic (Chinese version only)
Press Release:Over 430 schools receive Caring Campus Award 2020 (Chinese version only)
提高對虐兒個案敏感度 免悲劇再現
Press Release:Hong Kong’s first survey on EAP effectiveness (Chinese version only)
Response on "Report of the Task Force for the Study on Tenancy Control of Subdivided Units" (Chinese version only)
Submission on the Public Consultation on "Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards" (Chinese version only)
Response to 2021 Budget (Chinese version only)
CS Voice (Autumn & Winter) is coming . . .
Opening Hours during the Chinese Lunar New Year
In Memoriam: The Honourable Mr. Lam Ka Tai, JP
The first online "Art exhibition for Children" in Hong Kong launched on 2 January 2021.