Press release:Three-quarters of the students reported playing more video games during pandemic (Chinese version only)
Press Release:Over 430 schools receive Caring Campus Award 2020 (Chinese version only)
08/05/2021 -
07/05/2021 -
提高對虐兒個案敏感度 免悲劇再現
05/05/2021 -
Press Release:Hong Kong’s first survey on EAP effectiveness (Chinese version only)
01/05/2021 -
Response on "Report of the Task Force for the Study on Tenancy Control of Subdivided Units" (Chinese version only)
02/04/2021 -
Submission on the Public Consultation on "Real-name Registration Programme for SIM Cards" (Chinese version only)
19/03/2021 -
Response to 2021 Budget (Chinese version only)
26/02/2021 -
CS Voice (Autumn & Winter) is coming . . .
11/02/2021 -
Opening Hours during the Chinese Lunar New Year
10/02/2021 -
In Memoriam: The Honourable Mr. Lam Ka Tai, JP
30/01/2021 -
The first online "Art exhibition for Children" in Hong Kong launched on 2 January 2021.